Medical Practice Insurance
Australia is a great place to practise medicine, but is an extremely litigious environment. Traditionally, medical malpractice claims were made against individual healthcare professionals, however today medical practitioners are delivering medical services via complex legal structures.
It is now becoming increasing likely that actions are made against the Legal Entities themselves, including its staff as well as, the individual healthcare professional.
This scenario gives rise to a number of questions:
- Who is liable for actions of employed or contracted staff and medical practitioners?
- Will Individual Practitioners policies respond to claims made against the business?
- Does the business require their own medical indemnity policies to protect its liabilities?
- What additional cover is required for my Practice?
Medical Indemnity Insurance
Medical Indemnity protects a company for its legal liability for claims made against them including , claimant costs and expenses arising from a breach of their professional duty relating to the provision of healthcare treatment, advice of services in the course of their business.
Policies vary and can include many extensions which, can be tailored to meet specific needs.
Does Your Practice Need Its Own Policy?
It is becoming an extremely and integral part of a Practices Risk Management procedure to investigate your Practices requirements for its own policy
Practice Indemnity Insurance
The majority of Insurers will provide cover to a practice entity and its employees (except medical practitioners), subject to their terms and conditions, for:
- Civil Liability (Civil award imposed by a Civil Court arising out of healthcare services)
- Broad Definition of Insured Person including employees (not acting in the capacity of a medical Practitioner), directors, students, members of ethics comities –with optional extension to cover employed RMOs
- Breaches of the Trade Practice Acts (with the provision of healthcare in relation to the business)
- Good Samaritan Acts (Healthcare provided at the scene of a medical emergency)
- Intellectual Property cover (legal liability in respect of an infringement)
- Vicarious liability (of consultants, contractors and Medical Practitioners)
- Breaches of Privacy (Unintentional breach of privacy laws)
- Dishonesty of Employees/Medicare benefits fraud (legal fees)
- Legal Fees and Enquiries (Defending a prosecution, or responding to an inquest, investigation, audit or complaint by a corner’s court, tribunal or legally constituted professional board)
- Loss of Documents (costs incurred to replace or restore damaged or destroyed documents)
- Continuous Cover (Cover for known circumstances prior to the period of insurance)
- Severability and non-imputation
- Retroactive cover –considered
Meet Leonard Sack
Hi! I’m the Senior manager for Medical Indemnity and other Insurance requirements for your Medical Establishment.
If you have any further questions regarding your Medical Indemnity and other Insurance requirements for your Medical Establishment.
Please call my direct line: 03 9557 7400, or click below and I'll call you back.
What our Clients Say
I was very impressed with the way Prof Cover assessed me in understanding my business and tailoring a product that was suitable...
Home Care Nursing Agency