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Engineering Professionals Insurance

We provide tailored Insurance Solutions to engineers engaged in:

Civil Engineering

Geo-Technical Engineering

Materials Engineering

Quantity Surveying

Mechanical Engineering

Project Management

Engineering in Australia is typically considered a more complex industry, especially in today’s increasingly regulated landscape. Engineering consultants, builders, designers from across a wide range of disciplines are liable to claims related to breach of Professional Duty, Property Damage or Personal Injury, as well as legal liabilities incurred in the claims process.

Engineers are not a commodity and your insurance should extend the maximum support to nurture the innovator within you. We pride ourselves on our client-centric approach, building long-term relationships and closely working with you to accurately assess your potential risk exposure and structure insurance policies around your business requirements and the complexities within your engineering speciality.

ProfCover offers tailored solutions that will ensure you are adequately covered, supporting you in your ground-breaking pursuits. We go the extra mile for our clients – you can trust us to be there for you.


Professional Indemnity Insurance for Engineer

Why do you need it?

An Engineering professional, in holding himself or herself out as the possessor of expert knowledge and special skills not shared by the rest of the population, owes a duty to his or her clients to exercise that degree of care and skill which is to be expected of a person in that particular profession.

If the said Engineering professional, in rendering his or her services, fails to exercise the required level of care and skill and this results in injury, damage or pure financial loss being sustained by a client, then, the professional may be sued by the client for damages or compensation.

Professional Indemnity insurance for Engineers is to cover you, the professional, in the event that you’re pursued by a client or other third party who claims that they have suffered injury, damage or pure financial loss as a result of a breach of professional duty.

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Product Liability Insurance for Engineers

Why do you need it?

As an Engineer engaged in manufacturing, product supply or distribution, you need Public & Products Liability insurance to cover you in the event that you should become legally liable for any Personal Injury and/or Property Damage, that is sustained by any third party, which arises from your business operations.

Your coverage should ideally be inclusive of:

  • The payment of damages or compensation awarded against you
  • Claimant’s expenses that are awarded against or recoverable from you
  • Defence costs incurred by you or on your behalf with prior written consent from the insurer

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Management Liability Insurance for Engineers

Why do you need it?

An Engineering Company and its directors, officers and senior managers need Management Liability insurance because they face both corporate and personal liabilities which can arise from Claims made against them by numerous stakeholders.

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Cyber Liability Insurance for Engineers

Why do you need it?

As an Engineer, if you deal with sensitive data stored in the cloud or an in-house network, you should ideally have Cyber Liability insurance. Cyber Liability Insurance is designed to help protect your business from the financial impact of computer hacking, cyber extortion or data breaches.

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Also Read: Why manufacturers need to do more about cybersecurity

Meet Charles Gordon

Hi! I’m the Senior manager for Professional Indemnity and other Insurance requirements for your Engineering Consulting Practice.

My Focus is assisting Engineering Consulting Business obtain the most appropriate Insurances and if you have any further questions regarding your Professional Indemnity and other Insurance requirements for your practice.

Please call my direct line: 03 9557 7400, or click below and I'll call you back.

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What our Clients Say

I was very impressed with the way Prof Cover assessed me in understanding my business and tailoring a product that was suitable... 

Mrs B F Managing Director
Home Care Nursing Agency